
The True

Chimere is a French and European Zero-Trust Network Access solution.

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Enter the new era of secure remote access

Zero-Trust solution by design

Become cyberstealthy and evade cyber attacks

Zero-Trust Network Access makes your applications invisible on the internet and within your corporate network. By becoming undetectable, your network services disappear from the list of entry points that attackers can exploit.

Prevent attackers from moving within the network

Chimere provides native micro-segmentation that prevents any lateral movement, even if your network is compromised. By applying the principle of ZTNA to your enterprise applications, you ensure a point-to-point connection between your employees and their applications, unlike enterprise VPNs where users have access to a part or the entire network.

Manage access rights simply and in real-time

With just one click, allow all your employees, contractors, and clients to securely access your assets from anywhere in the world. The propagation of access rights or their revocation is immediate and has never been easier.


Next Generation Network Access

Zero-Trust Network Access offers a new vision for remote access to the corporate network. And with Chimere's ZTNA solution, we invite you to go further and adopt true Zero-Trust!

  • Elimination of internet service exposure and significant reduction of intrusion risks
  • End-to-end encryption: Zero Trust confidentiality and integrity
  • Total traceability of customer-side users: Zero-Trust traceability
  • Decentralized, multi-cloud, and participatory ZTNA infrastructure: Zero-Trust availability

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Dashboard Chimere ZTNA

Because Chimere is not limited to invisibility

Keep the URLs, domain names, and IP addresses you are already using

You no longer need to modify your existing network infrastructure, reducing the cost and complexity of migrating to ZTNA. Additionally, this ensures that your team members can continue to access your resources in the same way as before, minimizing disruptions and maintaining productivity.

Keep the software, browsers, and heavy clients you are using

Don't change your users' habits, Chimere is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing tools, providing a smooth transition to enhanced network security. This approach not only reduces costs and deployment efforts but also minimizes disruptions for end-users.

Connect your identity provider to Chimere and provision your users in one click

Our solution seamlessly integrates with existing identity providers, simplifying the user provisioning process. In just one click, administrators can provision new users, assign roles and permissions, and provide secure access to network resources.

Fine-grained tracking of who accesses which service

You can precisely track who accesses which applications and services, when, and from where. This also helps you comply with regulatory requirements for tracking and reporting access to sensitive data.

Use cases

Why use Chimere?

Allow your mobile and remote employees to access the IS securely

Your employees have access from their mobiles, tablets and workstations to your resources anywhere in the world and without opening your system on the internet network.

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Access your clients' systems without opening a port on the internet

Chimere is the safest solution to create secure tunnels to the applications you install within your clients' systems.

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Make accessible what was previously forbidden

Industrial systems or any sensitive application were never made remotely accessible to avoid opening an entry point from the internet. With Chimere, it's now possible.

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Provide access to your contractors without going through the VPN

With Chimere, allow your subcontractors to access the applications they need without providing them with VPN access, and significantly reduce the risk of attack in case of compromise of the companies you work with.

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Make your VPN gateway invisible

Chimere allows you to stop exposing your VPN gateway. Thus, purely and simply eliminate the associated risk.

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Administer all the machines in your fleet with one click

The micro-segmentation provided by Chimere allows you to connect to any machine in the fleet from an authorized device, without having to manage multiple hops and openings of flows within the firewalls of each zone.

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Chimere Cyberstealth®

ZTNA solution in 4 components to bring you the cyberstealth


Latest publications

Last news from Chimere's adventure

Gabriel Ladet

Bypassing a local firewall

When securing a corporate network, one naturally thinks of segmentation and organizing network zones by function, application sensitivity, or required level of access. Most of the time, the approach involves isolating these zones by setting up firewalls, blocking traffic, and only opening access as specific requests arise.

Gabriel Ladet

How to start implementing Zero Trust?

Zero Trust addresses multiple contemporary cybersecurity issues with a simple principle: never trust, always verify. There are multiple ways to implement such a concept. But where to start?

Gabriel Ladet

VPN hacked and lateral movements

The scan had been running for several minutes, and the attacker’s screen displayed a list of listening applications detected on the network. He had entered the post-exploitation phase, meaning he had successfully infiltrated the system and was now trying to extend his control to other devices...


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Logo Thales
Logo Pole SCS
Logo Pole Excellence Cyber
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Logo Incubateur Impulse
Logo French Tech Aix Marseille
Logo Cyber@StationF